
Rays Awareness Charitable Organization

Inspires kids to dream, no matter what their circumstances, and to assist youth and their families
in under-served areas to reach their full potential through sports programs and activities.

>> More Info

NEW! Request for Assistance Application is now online, click here.

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Shane Ray FUNdamentals Camp, Football Skills Building for Kansas City Youth

Shane Ray's FUNdamentals
Youth Football Camp

Launched in 2017, Shane Ray's FUNdamentals Youth Football Camp opened up to young athletes, ages 8-13. This 1-day event was hosted at Bishop Miege High School, in collaboration with Juneteenth of Kansas City. PARENTS also get to attend the Beyond the Field Workshop.
>> More FUNdamentals Camp News

Shane's Shoes

The Inaugural Shane's Shoe Drive was hosted at The Viewhouse Centennial. Local news broadcast the event. This shoe drive provided donated shoes to the Denver Rescue Mission.

The launch of Shane's Shoes charitable organization, was hosted in Kansas City and generated additional shoe donations to provide athletic footwear to local youth athletes and families in need.

Thank you to both Denver, Colorado & Kansas City, Missouri for participating, to help us serve both communities! >> More Shanes Shoes News

Shanes Shoes 56 Shane Ray Denver Broncos

Colorado Diabetes Association

In conjunction with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Shane Ray has joined the Colorado Diabetes Association as a Spokesperson, and is in collaboration with the NFL's Team Tackle, to help combat diabetes and provide awareness of early detection through proactively seeking blood tests, increasing physical activity and dietary adjustments to prevent diabetes. >> More ADA News

NFL Players' - My Cause, My Cleats

NFL players share causes important to them during all Week 13 games, as part of NFL’s My Cause, My Cleats campaign. The initiative includes online storytelling, in partnership with The Players’ Tribune, via editorial features and profile cards. Shane's causes: ADA & NFL Team Tackle and Shane's Shoes. >> More NFL My Cleats News

Shane Ray Custom Cleat Design 2016
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Colorado Diabetes Association

In conjunction with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Shane Ray has joined the Colorado Diabetes Association as a Spokesperson, and is in collaboration with the NFL's Team Tackle, to help combat diabetes and provide awareness of early detection through proactively seeking blood tests, increasing physical activity and dietary adjustments to prevent diabetes. >> More ADA News

Get Involved ~ Participate ~ Donate

If you would like to donate to Shane's causes, contact us today! If you know a youth athlete who would benefit from one of Shane's programs or community interests, contact us today!